Serve Up Family Stories This Thanksgiving

Family Stories and Thanksgiving

[Editor’s note: Saving Memories Forever blogger Thomas MacEntee discusses ways in which you can get family members involved in sharing and preserving family stories at Thanksgiving.]

Another holiday, another big meal, and the same old family stories, right? Well, it doesn’t have to be that way this Thanksgiving. If your family seems to do the same thing year-after-year on Turkey Day, why not spice things up a bit and add some variety to the holiday and your meal time?

Family Stories and Thanksgiving – A Great Pairing

Like turkey and gravy or pumpkin pie and whipped cream, many families believe that Thanksgiving and family stores just “go together.” It is the perfect time to share stories that are meaningful and important to family history. In fact, in a recent Thanksgiving Across America Survey over at, approximately 40% of Americans said that they share family stories as a Thanksgiving Day activity. That makes it the 2nd most popular Thanksgiving Day activity (of course, watching football on television was #1!).

Family Stories – Just Do It

Have you ever wondered how a Thanksgiving or other holiday tradition got started in your family? Basically someone just came up with the idea and simply did it. Like using a favorite bowl for serving stuffing, you can create a new tradition this year of telling family stories at the dinner table or at any time when family gathers. Here are some ideas to get you started:

50 Questions for Family History Interivews
Collecting Family Stories
Guide to Interviewing Family Members
Thanksgiving Opportunities for Sharing Family History

Set a Place for Family Stories

Make room for family stories at the Thanksgiving table and at every holiday and family gathering. Sharing memories, preserving stories and passing them on to the next generation is something you can serve anytime and anywhere with Saving Memories Forever. And the best part? Once you’ve captured those stories, you’ll always have leftovers to share.